
PRIME TIME (A Lesson from David’s fall from Grace)

Truth Minute: PRIME TIME (A Lesson from David’s fall from Grace)

A Long read but its worth the time 

There were four storms that David went through in his life. First as a boy fighting a lion in a pit in the snow, second as a young man against Goliath, the third was in his prime with Bathsheba and his conspiracy to Kill Uriah, and the last was his battle with Goliath’s remaining brothers. The reason this is important is that we all will go through storms at key periods in our life. When we are at our most vulnerable as impressionable children 0-17, as young people focusing on a path 18-35, When we are at our prime or at the top of our game/strength/career 36-64 and finally when we are in our legacy years that carry us to our creator 65+. Of all the stages it is the last that seems to be the most treacherous because at that time your legacy has been built from all of the work that was done in the prior 3 stages.
You would think the battles are over…but if you study David’s life he had to face those other 4 Giants during his legacy years from the Philistines that were blood relatives of Goliath named: Sippai, Ishbibenob, Sebbecai and an unnamed Giant (6 fingers and 6 Toes)… From what I have observed the Devil attacks the hardest at the beginning and end of your life’s story. Before you can get started or when he can make you fall from grace publicly. Of all the storms david overcame there was issue in his prime years that affected him until death…it was his “premeditated” Sin against Uriah…God did forgive him and he remained King with a supporting cast to fight on his behalf as an aging warrior but the consequences of his actions manifested in the form of Absalom and plagued him greatly in his latter years until his death.
So What’s the lesson here? Is it to be careful while starting out, or being focused as young adults…is it about being perfect and never making mistakes? No. it’s about making sure you watch yourself when you are in your PRIME YEARS…when you make it and have the world at your fingertips…the time when the church, business, career, economy etc is booming…the time when you don’t have to listen to sage advice, when you have the looks, the money, the house and the power to influence people to live and lie for you. As we can see with our current news cycle, people are throwing stones from past issues towards current times…it may seem unfair, especially since there are so many imperfections in the lives of people that are throwing them.
Jesus thankfully gave us a blueprint on how to deal with such a situation. When he was in his prime the devil met him at the pinnacle of his ministry telling lies and trying to catch him off guard…yet JESUS kept applying the word of God before him even when he was at his weakest moment in that prime season. The devil was defeated and he went on to glory overcoming the world. Listen more when things are going well…stay in the WORD more when blessings are flowing…stay humble to God so that when you face the Giants in your latter years you will have the strength and the team to finish strong.


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